The First International Youth Ecological Forum in Slavutych
The 26th of April 2006 is the 20-th anniversary of the accident at the Chornobyl NPP.
The 1st International Youth Ecological Forum that took place on April 5-6, 2006 in Slavutych under the initiative of the representatives of Slavutych Executive Council in collaboration with SSE “Chornobyl NPP”, Chornobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology, youth organizations of Ukraine, Foundation “Ukraine -USA”was devoted to this event.

120 scientists and graduates from the National Universities’ ecological faculties from Ukrainian cities: Uzhgorod, Dnipropetrivsk, Simferopol, Kyiv, Chernigiv, Odesa and Slavutych participated in plenary sessions of the Ecoforum. Ecological issues on many subjects were discussed at the Forum’s sectional sessions.

The Ecoforum participants paid great attention to the issue of Ukrainian youth attraction to the social life by means of ecological education, formation of ecological consciousness of rising generation on the basis of human values.
The Resolution was adopted following a completion of the Forum procedures. This very day, the Forum participants visited the town of Prypyat and the Chornobyl NPP.
The Youth Ecological Forum in Slavutych demonstrated the integration of intellectual efforts of youth as well as local authorities in struggle for ecologically clean environment, healthy lifestyle, active participation in formation of democratic society by means of ecological education.