A meeting of the UK and Ukrainian nuclear experts in the Chornobyl Center
This year is the year of the 20-th anniversary of the accident at the Chornobyl NPP. The European community is still worried and interested in difficult issues related to the Chornobyl catastrophe.

Interest of the UK specialists in Ukraine and Chornobyl problems was always high. The UK is a participant of the International Chornobyl Center (ICC), within which Ukrainian and UK specialists collaborated in the area of nuclear and radiation safety, ecology, information technologies, performed a number of works in the Exclusion Zone.
On May 17, 2006 the UK delegation met with the managers and experts of the Chornobyl Center. The Chornobyl Center’s experts told about their organization’s work experience in the area of nuclear energy, physical protection of nuclear facilities and materials, radioecology, project management.
The UK experts were interested in training in the area of emergency response, databases for Chornobyl catastrophe and Shelter Object. The presentation of Sergey Bashtovoy, the Head of Department of Nuclear and Physical Calculations, on the development of the Integrated Shelter Database was listened to with a great interest.
The delegation visited the International Radioecology Laboratory and familiarized with the research results of our experts in the area of the Chornobyl Zone radioactive contamination impact on the biological objects.
The day before, on May 16, the UK nuclear experts visited the Chornobyl NPP and the Exclusion Zone facilities.