Development of a Set of Documents on Process Technology of Capital Repair of Reactor Equipment for SVO-1 Filter Container of T-3134 Type, SGO Filter Adsorber of 05.82.0645.00.00 Type
Period: 2009
Customer: SS Khmelnytsky NPP / SE NNEGC “Energoatom”
The following works are being performed within the framework of the project:
- development of a set of documents on process technology of capital repair of SVO-1 filter container of Т-3143-00 type;
- development of a set of documents on process technology of capital repair of SGO filter adsorber of 05.82.0645.00.00 type.
Director of Laboratory for Engineering and Technology
Vasyl R. Rylov
Tel.: +38 (04579) 2 27 48
Fax: +38 (04579) 2 81 44